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CAS article collection: Energy Storage Technologies

The achievements realized by researchers of Chinese Academy of Sciences

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The inevitable depletion of non-renewable fossil fuels and serious environmental pollution promote the wide application of renewable energy sources. Most of the renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, suffer from uncontrollable as well as complicated situations[1]. Electrochemical energy storage technologies are crucial to solve these problems, as they can efficiently store electricity in chemicals and release it according to the users’ demands[1, 2]. Moreover, energy and environmental challenges have stimulated great interest to replace gasoline engine powered vehicles by plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEV) and electric vehicles (EVs). Therefore, it is vital to improve the performance of energy storage systems, which depend on the development of key materials for the various batteries and new energy storage strategies. Researchers from Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) have dedicated to the researches of energy storage systems for decades and made significant process. We will introduce the progress on energy storage systems of CAS in recent two years, which covers the key materials of Lithium ion battery (LIB), Lithium-oxygen (Li-O2) battery, Lithium-sulfur (Li-S) battery, Lithium ion capacitor, Sodium ion battery, and Flow battery.

1 Yang, Z. et al. Electrochemical Energy Storage for Green Grid. Chemical Reviews 111, 3577-3613, doi:10.1021/cr100290v (2011). 2 He, H. et al. Changes in the morphology of organoclays with HDTMA + surfactant loading. Applied Clay Science 31, 262-271 (2006). 3 Li, X, et al. Investigation of electrolytes of the vanadium redox flow battery (IV): Measurement and prediction of viscosity of aqueous VOSO4 solution at 283.15 to 323.15 K. Journal of Molecular Liquids 224, 893-899(2016).

With thanks to the Article Selection Editors

Dr. Xianfeng Li received his PhD in Polymer Chemistry and Physics from Jilin University in 2006. After 3 years’ postdoc with Prof. Vankelecom from K.U. Leuven University, he was appointed as associated professor in Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP), Chinese Academy of Science. In 2012, he was promoted as full professor. He currently serves as head of energy storage division at DICP. His research interests include functional membranes for secondary battery applications (Flow battery, lithium ion battery, lithium sulfur battery, etc). Up to now, he is the author of more than 150 peer-reviewed papers with more than 4000 citations, his H-index is 36 and he applied more than 150 patents in battery field. He has received several awards from Chinese Government, including outstanding Science and Technology Achievement Prize of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Technology Invention Award, etc. He currently serves as the editorial board of “Scientific Reports”, Sustainability and "Journal of Energy Chemistry".

Dr. Xianfeng Li

Dr. Xianfeng Li

Guanglei Cui obtained his Ph.D. degree at the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, in 2005. From 2005 to 2009, he had worked at Max-Planck-Institute for Polymer Research and Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State research as a postdoctoral scientist on Energy Chemistry Project. Currently, he is principal investigator at Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research topics include sustainable and highly efficient energy-storage materials, solid-state batteries and novel energy devices.

To read a Special report on the achievements realised by researchers of Chinese Academy of Sciences in the field of energy storage technologies, published in the Journal of Energy Storage, please click here opens in new tab/window

Dr. Guanglei Cui

Dr. Guanglei Cui

Article collections

Lithium ion batteries

Li-sulfur batteries

Lithium oxygen batteries

Flow battery

Lithium ion supercapacitor

Sodium ion batteries

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