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Previous events and Testimonials

13th International Colloids Conference

9-12 June, 2024 | Sitges, Barcelona, Spain

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Plenary Speakers

  • Shlomo Magdassi, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

  • Monica Olvera de la Cruz, Northwestern University, USA

  • Amy Shen, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan

  • Patrick Spicer, University of New South Wales, Australia

  • Regine von Klitzing, TU Darmstadt, Germany

Award lecture: Winner of the JCIS Darsh Wasan Award

  • Steve Armes, University of Sheffield, UK

Keynote speakers

  • Patricia Bassereau, Institut Curie, France

  • Mikhael Bechelany, University of Montpellier, France

  • Ludmilla Boinovich, A.N. Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Russia

  • Elodie Bourgeat-Lami, École Supérieure de Chimie Physique Électronique de Lyon, France

  • Karen Edler, University of Lund, Sweden

  • Yujun Feng, Sichuan University, China

  • Gil Garnier, Monash University, Australia

  • Boris Kitchatov, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia

  • Sepideh Razavi, University of Oklahoma, USA

  • Meital Reches, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

  • Jing-Jong Shyue, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

  • Radomir Slavchov, Queen Mary University of London, UK

  • Cosima Stubenrauch, University of Stuttgart, Germany

  • Thomas Zemb, Institut de Chimie Séparative de Marcoule, France

12th International Colloids Conference

11-14 June 2023 | Palma, Mallorca, Spain

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Plenary Speakers

  • Calum Drummond, RMIT University, Australia

  • Vicki H. Grassian, University of California San Diego, USA

  • Taeghwan Hyeon, Seoul National University, Korea

  • Cornelia G. Palivan, University of Basel, Switzerland

  • Andrea Tao, University of California San Diego, USA

Award lecture: Winner of the JCIS Darsh Wasan Award

  • Giovanna Fragneto, European Spallation Source, Sweden

Keynote speakers

  • Marité Cárdenas, Malmö University, Sweden

  • Wiebe de Vos, University of Twente, The Netherlands

  • Laura Fabris, Rutgers University, USA and Turin Polytechnic, Italy

  • Gil Garnier, Monash University

  • Yan Lu, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany

  • Chiara Neto, University of Sydney, Australia

  • Tagbo Niepa, University of Pittsburgh, USA

  • Camille Petit, Imperial College London, UK

  • Adrian Sanchez-Fernandez, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain

  • Carlos A. Silvera Batista, Vanderbilt University, USA

  • Alejandro Sosnik, Technion, Israel

  • Alberto Striolo, The University of Oklahoma, USA & University College London, UK

  • Pannuru Venkatescu, University of Delhi, India

  • María J. Vicent, Prince Felipe Research Center, Spain

11th International Colloids Conference

12-15 June 2022 | Altis Grand Hotel, Lisbon, Portugal

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Plenary speakers

  • Steven P. Armes, University of Sheffield, UK

  • Wuge Briscoe, University of Bristol, UK

  • Dganit Danino, Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute, Israel

  • Raz Jelinek, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Be’er Sheva, Israel

  • Eugenia Kumacheva, University of Toronto, Canada

  • Hongbo Zeng, University of Alberta, Canada

2022 Darsh Wasan Award Winner

  • Michael Gradzielski, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany

Keynote Speakers

  • William Ducker, Virginia Tech, US

  • Juliette Fitremann, University of Toulouse, CNRS, France

  • Pierangelo Gobbo, University of Trieste, Italy

  • Himanshu Mishra, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia

  • Cecile Monteux, ESPCI, France

  • Alexander V. Neimark, Rutgers University, USA

  • Emilia Nowak, Massey University, New Zealand

  • Mark Rutland, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

  • Anniina Salonen, Université Paris Saclay, France

  • Eli Sloutskin, Bar-Ilan University, Israel

  • Alberto Striolo, University College London, UK

10th International Colloids Conference

7-9 December 2020, Online – Live and On-demand

2020 Program  opens in new tab/window

2020 Speakers

Plenary Speakers

Dganit Danino, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Israel Nikolai Denkov, Sofia University, Bulgaria Qiang He, Harbin Institute of Technology, China Jennifer Strunk, Leibniz Institute for Catalysis, Germany Jackie Ying, NanoBio Lab, Singapore

2020 Darsh Wasan Award Winner Bao-Lian Su, University of Namur, Belgium / Wuhan University of Technology, China

Keynote Speakers

Shirin Alexander, Swansea University, Wales Alireza Bahramian, Tehran University, Iran Ben Boyd, University of Melbourne, Australia Maria Pilar De Lara, CSIC Madrid, Spain Jean-Paul Douliez, French National Institute for Agricultural Research INRA, France Karen Edler, University of Bath, UK Yujun Feng, Sichuan University, China Tamar Greaves, RMIT University Melbourne, Australia David Green, University of Virginia, USA Margarita Sanchez-Dominguez, CIMAV Monterrey, Mexico Amy Shen, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Japan John Texter, Eastern Michigan University, USA Ilja Voets, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands Roseanna N. Zia, Stanford University, USA

2020 Best Poster Prize Winners

We offer our warmest congratulations to the two winners of the 10th International Colloids Conference – Online Best Poster Prize.

  • [P.085 ] Biosurfactant mixtures: Towards the design of sustainable green formulationsR, Esposito, University of Naples Federico II, Italy

  • [P.041 ] Constant mean curvature based framework for modeling droplet evaporation on lubricant-infused surfaces M. R Gunjan, Indian Institute of Technology Patna, IndiaWinners were selected by the conference scientific committee and received a certificate and free registration to the 2022 conference.


At the end of a conference Elsevier sends a questionnaire to all attendees. We would like to share with you some feedback we have received from delegates who have attended earlier events in this conference series.

12th International Colloids Conference

“Conference was very inclusive and diverse.”

“Highly interactive sessions.”

“This conference is the right size to form meaningful discussions, and meet with the international colloids community. It is well run, well attended, and importantly it has a friendly atmosphere.”

“I had a great experience to interact with people all across the globe whose research interests match my own, and was especially impressed by the keynote speakers. The work they presented was truly good science.”

11th International Colloids Conference:

“A great collection of experts of the field.”

“High scientific level.”

“Very interesting presentations and discussions with other researchers.”

“There were many inspiring speakers and specialists in the area of colloidal and interfacial science from all over the world.”

10th International Colloids Conference – Online

“I would like to congratulate you and your team for the excellent job in organizing the conference in such a difficult situation!”

“Thank you again for this invitation… This is a really good conference!”

“First of all, thank you all for the organization of this important conference. Even with the difficulties of the online format, it has been very enriching for everyone. Personally, I've really enjoyed it so much.”

“I would like to thank you for the excellent organization of the Conference. It was a success!”

“Thank you and all of the colloids staff for managing to have such an important conference also in these hard times.”

9th International Colloids Conference

“Excellent scientific level of the speakers”

“Great networking opportunities”

“Great program of speakers with gender equity”

“The conference was well organized and the scientific level of plenary and the other oral contributions was really high”

“The ICC is a good gathering of experts in the field meeting in a friendly environment. It is well organised event.”

“This conference is a great opportunity to meet many important presenters and stay in touch with newest research”

8th International Colloids Conference

“The single most important reason for attending this conference was the professional keynote speakers”

“The single most important reason for attending this conference was the high quality of conference presentations”

“The website and email communications were excellent”

7th International Colloids Conference

“The content is excellent, and the conference is very well organised”

“This conference is of high quality content, highly organized and presents a state of art techniques and results”

6th International Colloids Conference

“The conference was well organized, the recent advances in the colloidal science presented in the conference was up to date and very best occasion to interact with the persons working in similar fields.”

“Interesting and balanced scientific program. Top names in attendance”

“The organization, venue, quality of the crowd, the posters, the lectures: the sum of all these together was simply excellent!”